Sunday, May 18, 2014

Vanguard Training Event June 28th

Here is a link to the site for our annual summer mentor training event.  I encourage anyone with a youth involved in Vanguard to attend or download the recordings after.  It will be a powerful event!

It is not completely updated with registration forms, etc, but will be soon!

Starting a new year of study!

Hi everyone!
As I woke up this morning, wondering what I wanted to study for my scriptures, I thought, "I will start doing word studies on my themes for next year!"
It made me think about sending this email!
As you approach the new year, I recommend you do it this way, to build a good foundation.

1. First, read the core books if you have not :).
2. Then use the following link to outline your study of each monthly theme to understand the themes:
...particularly, the summary at the top, the sections in the "5,000 Year Leap" by Skousen, and the scriptures.
3. From there, having gained deeper understanding of the themes, then you can prayerfully select principles within each theme as a group or leader.  Here is a list of ideas a few of us have compiled:
4. Then, you will want to start selecting classics: people, videos, articles, books, music etc for the youth to study to further understand the principle within the context of the monthly theme and then apply it in their own lives.
It is easy to want to skip to step 4...especially if you are feeling rushed.  Do not!  You will lose the effectiveness of the Vanguard method if you do!
Happy studying!
:) Mary

p.s. This is a great link for ideas for how to look at the weekly lenses and books for the monthly themes: