"Reweaving the Fabric of Freedom" by The Center for Social Leadership
I like this article, because it gives three levels of contribution we can all do as citizens, as well as a direction to go with it. Our youth need to know options and paths like these so that they can not "wander in circles" like Uchtdorf's talk "Walking in Circles" our group will be using to kick off our year about "Journeys." Some of our youth want to lead in political circles, some want to pursue paths of creativity and art, some want to follow professional paths...all these have an obligation to society to keep our nation free by certain actions on their part. Hence, Vanguard and the principles we focus on.
Think about where you fit:
1) producer citizen: good, salt of the earth people who work, read, and act consistent to what they feel is right--see page 17 for "what to do"
2) social leaders: "pioneers, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors,
thought leaders, community leaders and political leaders"--see page 19
for "what to do"
3) statesmen: "Beyond the characteristics of
Producer Citizens and Social Leaders, two core factors define a
Statesman: 1) a broad and deep understanding of governmental, societal,
and familial forms, and 2) the social capital and influence to implement
those forms"--see page 21 for "what to do"
Take it or leave it .
It was empowering to me. I also didn't feel that it was partisan at
all, which was refreshing. Just a good ol' dose of "learn, serve, and
think!" How powerful would that be! People becoming passionate about
something (and I am not talking about emotions aroused by some snippet
on a talk-show) and DOING something about it: feeding the hungry,
clothing the naked, teaching, loving, creating beauty...and watching our
society change one individual at a time. Gives me hope. Enjoy :).
Thank you for sharing the link for this article Mary.