Great video to set the stage! (The visual of a tree and the roots are a very effective symbol of good leadership, similar to the "brain/nervous system" analogy below, in case you would like to study botany, plant seeds,...all sorts of viable connections using the Eureka lens!)
Then we followed up with this tender application of true leadership, reminding me of Marni's quote about leadership:
"Leadership is communicating to another person their worth and potential so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves." -- Stephen R. Covey
We also studied the Brain and Nervous system this week as part of our ongoing study of Anatomy this year as a family. We made the connection to our theme this month as we recognized that the brain, without a network of information running to and from the "greatest" to the "least" of a body's parts would be unable to do it's work. The brain, as any good leader, needs to be "in touch" with all under their stewardship. Each part is valued. Each part should be recognized and understood, with efforts of the whole directed to meet the needs of the one. A good leader creates synergy and collaboration throughout the system, just as the brain does with the nervous system.
The connections are there! We just need to help our youth and children see them to make it all more real, more relevant :).