Thursday, November 2, 2017

Path to Discovering Genius!

Image result for image betsy understood
I recently read “Understood Betsy” for the Mentoring in the Classics course and realized that the book centers around Betsy's discovery that she has a genius. Since this is an integral part of what we strive for in Vanguard, this is a good checklist of pondering to review both as parents and mentors.

Betsy goes through quite the process to get there:
-discovery that she can learn (driving the wagon*)
-discovery that she can be needed (the cat)
-discovery that she can be a part of something bigger and that she is a contributor (prepping meals with Cousin Ann)
-discovery that she need not be limited by externally imposed labels (grade-levels in schools)
-discovery of the joy and heart of genuine service ('Lias)
-discovery that she, too, can lead and deal with problems (the Fair)
-discovery that she doesn't need Aunt Francis's validation to succeed (end)
*references within book

I would highly recommend this short, readable classic for the parent mentors of any group. The reading and discussion of it could even be extended over the whole year, with a chapter or two per month.

Image result for image betsy understood

1 comment:

  1. We read Betsy earlier this year, so I love this analysis. I just finished Freckles last night and can see a lot of the same points in that.
